Post Graduate Diploma in Software Engineering


Post Graduate Diploma in Software Engineering

1 / 60

What is virtual inheritance in C++?

2 / 60

Which is the correct syntax to call an external JavaScript file in the current HTML document?

3 / 60

JavaScript ignores?

4 / 60

JavaScript is the programming language of the _____.

5 / 60

Which of the following is not an example of DBMS?

6 / 60

What data type would you use to store a whole number in Python?

7 / 60

What is the purpose of the script tag in HTML?

8 / 60

Which symbol is used separate JavaScript statements?

9 / 60

Which of the following is not a back-end programming language commonly used in web development?

10 / 60

Which of the following is an immutable data type?

11 / 60

In which HTML element, we put the JavaScript code?

12 / 60

In which of the following formats data is stored in the database management system?

13 / 60

Which of the following approach is used by C++?

14 / 60

Which of the following is not a Python built-in data type?

15 / 60

Which JavaScript method is used to access an HTML element by id?

16 / 60

What is the primary function of a web server in the context of web development?

17 / 60

Which programming language is mainly used for adding interactivity to websites?

18 / 60

What is DBMS?

19 / 60

Which type of data can be stored in the database?

20 / 60

What does CSS stand for?

21 / 60

Which part of web development is responsible for handling data storage and retrieval?

22 / 60

What happens if the following C++ statement is compiled and executed?

int *ptr = NULL;

delete ptr;

23 / 60

Which of the following is not a type of database?

24 / 60

Which value is a slightly bolder weight than the standard bold in the font attribute?

Which value is a slightly bolder weight than the standard bold in the font attribute?

25 / 60

What is the purpose of a front-end web development framework like React or Angular?

26 / 60

Which of the following is the correct syntax of including a user defined header files in C++?

27 / 60

JavaScript code can be written in ____.

28 / 60

Which of the following is a mutable data type in Python?

29 / 60

Who invented C++?

30 / 60

Which of the following is a feature of the database?

31 / 60

Which of these functions is the 2D transformation in the matrix format?

32 / 60

What is C++?

33 / 60

No single, integrated ____________________ specification exists, because it gets split into various separate modules:

34 / 60

Which of the following is a correct identifier in C++?

35 / 60

The CSS property that is equivalent to the align attribute is:

36 / 60

What does HTML stand for?

37 / 60

The “color:red” in CSS can be known as _____________:

38 / 60

What will be the data type of the variable x after this assignment:

x = 3.5?

39 / 60

Pseudocode: Variablex = "Python"; Check if x is a string,if yesprint "String",otherwise"Not a String"

40 / 60

Which of the following user-defined header file extension used in c++?

41 / 60

Python is a:

42 / 60

Which selector do we use to specify the rule for binding some particular unique element?

43 / 60

Which property is used to define the HTML content to an HTML element with a specific id?

44 / 60

Which one of these is NOT an appropriate value for the font-variant property?


45 / 60

Which technology is primarily responsible for the styling of web pages?

46 / 60

Which of the following is not a feature of DBMS?

47 / 60

Which of the following statement(s) is true about the JavaScript?

48 / 60

In an HTML page, which of these tags is used for embedding CSS?

49 / 60

Who created the first DBMS?

50 / 60

What is the full form of DBMS?

51 / 60

___________ describes the CSS properties for manipulating the “ruby” position, that are small annotations next to or on top of words, especially common in Japanese and Chinese.

52 / 60

What is a database?

53 / 60

Which type of JavaScript language is _____?

54 / 60

Which of these data types does Python not natively support?

55 / 60

Which of the following is not a type of Constructor in C++?

56 / 60

Which of these functions would convert the color of an element by the filter property to a grey shade, for use?

57 / 60

Python is known as:

58 / 60

Which version of Python removed the print statement?

59 / 60

Which type of web development allows for both front-end and back-end development using a single language?

60 / 60

Which of the following is used for comments in C++?