Post Graduate Diploma in Indian Stock Market


Post Graduate Diploma in Indian Stock Market

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Market players who take benefits from difference in market prices are called

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The initial amount paid by option buyer at the time of entering the contract

3 / 60

An option contract with underlying asset commodities is.

4 / 60

_________ is the market where the existing securities of companies are traded.

5 / 60

._________ is the process of admitting securities for trading on a recognized stock exchange.

6 / 60

All of the following are true of a financial statement analysis report, except: Financial analysis provides an insight into the structure of financial statements. The term financial statement analysis includes only analysis and does not include interpretations

7 / 60

Which one of the following statements is not a tool in financial statement analysis?

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The option contract that can be exercised at any time before the maturity date is known as.

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Which of the following contract is non-standardised and suffers illiquidity most

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All of the following statements regarding horizontal analysis are true except:

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Which of the following is not true about vertical analysis?

12 / 60

Which of the following are techniques, tools or methods of vertical analysis and interpretation of financial statements?

13 / 60

The payoffs for financial derivatives are linked to.


14 / 60

Which of the following is known as demat accounts?

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The option contract which gives the seller the obligation to buy is.

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ETD stands for.

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Financial Derivatives include.

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The first use of derivatives contract was ________________.

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The option contract that can be exercised only at the date of maturity is called

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In performing a vertical analysis, the base for prepaid expenses is:

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This option to give delivery is given during a period identified as _______________________.

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By using the currency forward market to sell dollars forward, an _________ can lock on to a rate today and reduce his uncertainty.

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The option contract which gives the buyer the right to buy the underlying asset is.

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The buyer in the derivative contract is also known as

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Horizontal analysis is done by analysing:

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The difference between strike price and current market price of underlying security in option contract is.

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Speculators who neither buy nor sell securities in the market but still trade on them are called

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The mandatory detail that an investor has to provide to the broker at the time of opening a demat account is.

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Commodities, which are to be received by a clearing member, are delivered to him in the depository clearing system in respect of depository deals on the respective __________ day as per instructions of the exchange/ clearing house.

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The contract where buyer and seller agree to exchange asset on future date without the involvement of stock exchange.

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All the exchanges, which deal with forward contracts, are required to obtain certificate of registration from the _______________.

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A control system on excessive fluctuation in stock market prices is called________.

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.__________ is a professional independent broker who deals in securities on his own


34 / 60

Short in derivative contract implies.

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A futures contract is nothing but a forward contract that is __________.

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Traditionally ____________ has been the largest producers of gold in the world.

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Which of the following is potentially obligated to sell an asset at a predetermined price

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By hedging Portfolio a bank manager.

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The amount to be deposited by buyer and seller of future contarct at the time of entering future contract.

40 / 60

Which of the following is not an objective of financial statements analysis?

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A ______market is a market that trades in the primary economic sector rather than manufactured products, such as cocoa, fruit and sugar.

42 / 60

Which of the following is true about financial statements?

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Devise adopted to make profit out of the difference in prices of a security in two different

markets are called ________.

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Which of the following are techniques, tools or methods of horizontal analysis and interpretation of financial statements?

45 / 60

The numbers of recognized stock exchanges in India is____________.

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A person appointed by a stock broker to assist him in the business of securities trading is called __________.

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Annual Report is issued by a company to its:

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Dividend is usually paid on:

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Most commonly used tools for financial analysis are:

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The option contract which can be exercised on a few dates before the maturity date

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The markets in which derivatives are trade is known as.

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Final settlement happens on the ____________.

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In matters where the exchange is a party to the dispute, the civil courts at __________have exclusive jurisdiction.

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Option strategy with combination of selling one put option at low strike price and buying put option at a high strike price

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Which of these are not the methods of financial statement analysis?

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The process of hedging the entire supply of a particular security with a view to dictating term is called ____________.

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The contract which gives the buyer the right but not obligation.

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The 3ps that is the three objectives of analysis and interpretation of financial statements does not include:

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The number of stores which is less than the standard unit is called _________.

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Financial analysis is significant because it: