Diploma in Business Finance


Diploma in Business Finance

1 / 60

An investor invests in assets known as a

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Internal sources of capital are those that are

3 / 60

What are the basic components of business ethics?

4 / 60

The concept of financial management is

5 / 60

What does financial leverage measure?

6 / 60

The finance manager is accountable for.

7 / 60

What is the primary goal of financial management?

8 / 60

Which of the following decisions require the use of a decision-tree approach?

9 / 60

The term 'redeemable' is used for

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Which of the above factors helps to determine the capital structure of a firm?

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Which is not a component of specific forces of the business environment?

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If there is an increase in interest rates than the fixed interest rate of the corporate bond will.

13 / 60

The market price of an equity share is determined by:

14 / 60

Which of the following is not incorporated within the capital budgeting decision for a company?

15 / 60

What is the major component of business ethics?

16 / 60

Investment can be defined as

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Which of the following decisions affects the size of assets, the profitability and competitiveness of a firm?

18 / 60

Which one of the following is shown first when the assets are arranged in the order of their liquidity?

19 / 60

Which of the following is not a profit-making objective of most businesses?

20 / 60

Which of the following is a series of constant cash flows that occur at the end of each period for some fixed number of periods . . .

21 / 60

What is the main reason behind the specific required rates of return for different projects?

22 / 60

What is the general concept of business ethics?

23 / 60

Investments would score high only if there is a protection to

24 / 60

To get a broad idea of the risk profile of a business, one should look at their ________

25 / 60

How to show the elements of the method of production?

26 / 60

GST is a consumption of goods and service tax based on

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Which of the following is true for an investment proposal with the most significant relative risk?

28 / 60

Which of the following is a disadvantage of using the payback period?

29 / 60

Capital Budgeting decisions are evaluated using the _________ and _______ is used for this purpose.

30 / 60

How to show the role of government in business?.

31 / 60

Investors agree to invest in high- risk investments if only

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.Over the period, investors determine the compound growth rate of an investment by

33 / 60

Which of the following is true for a project with a shorter payback period?

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Which of the following principles is not considered within capital budgeting for a company?

35 / 60

The price at which a bond gets traded at a stock exchange is known as:

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In an organisation, the shareholders’ wealth is represented by:

37 / 60

Which of the following is not a major component of ethical business practice?

38 / 60

If a firm’s debt ratio is 45%, this means _____ of the firm’s assets are financed by equity financing.

39 / 60

CAPM stands for.

40 / 60

Which of the following would be the best example of a capital budgeting decision?

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The process of financing the assets of a business is known as:

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The ordinary shares of a company are delivered to the depository bank; which in turn issues the depository receipts; known as ____

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Under the lease agreement, the lessee gets the right to

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Money obtained by issue of shares is known as _____

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Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI) was established in ____

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The market value of the shares is decided by

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Name the things that help the development of the business?

48 / 60

Which of the following options is a part of the Capital Structure of a company?

49 / 60

Capital structure ______________ financial structure

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Capital Structure is an optimal mix of which one of the following options:

51 / 60

What are business ethics?

52 / 60

In Capital Market Line every investment is

53 / 60

Capital Structure is a part of ___________:

54 / 60

From the below-mentioned items which are financial assets?

55 / 60

What is the goal of business?

56 / 60

Which of the following can be a criterion for the acceptance of a project?

57 / 60

The capital budget is associated with.


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Debentures represent

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Funds raised through loans or borrowings are _____

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ICICI was established in _________________