

Online Examination Detail:

Duration- 60 minutes.
Number of Questions- 30. (Multiple Choice Questions).
Maximum Marks- 100, Passing Marks- 40%.
There is no negative marking.

Candidate Details

1 / 30

1. Check boxes are used _____

2 / 30

2. What are shared on the Internet and are called as Web pages?

3 / 30

3. The ____ attribute is used to identify the values of variables.

4 / 30

4. ____ Icon displays list of fonts that can be used.

5 / 30

5. The tag is similar to ____

6 / 30

6. How many colour names are used by the browsers?

7 / 30

7. Which one of the following indicates how light or dark a color appears on the web page?

8 / 30

8. Which language is used for creating Web Pages?

9 / 30

9. ____ is used to store the data within the documents on the server.

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10. The language that instructs the browser on how to display the hypertext, and adds pictures to the document is __

11 / 30

11. Which program is used by web clients to view the web pages?

12 / 30

12. What is the abbreviation of HTTP?

13 / 30

13. HTML document should begin with the ____

14 / 30

14. The entire web document is contained within ____

15 / 30

15. The HTML and HTTP standard are defined by ____

16 / 30

16. What are the two segments of a style tag?

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17. GIF is the abbreviation for ___

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18. The ____ passes the information given by the user to a specified program.

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19. The tag used to add images to the HTML document is ____

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20. ____ attribute is used to display an alternate message.

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21. Which tag is used to display text in title bar of a web document?

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22. Web page editors works on a ____ principle.

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23. What is the name of the location address of the hypertext documents?

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24. Which tag is used to change the default characteristics of a particular tag in the entire web document wherever that tag is used?

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25. The attributes that are used with tag are ___

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26. Which section of the Web page will contain Meta tags?

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27. Which are used with a tag to modify its function?

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28. Which tag is used to identify the keywords describing the site?

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29. What is the birth date of Hypertext Documents?

30 / 30

30. The ___ attribute is used to specify the width of the table.

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