Certificate in Value Added Tax (VAT)


Certificate in Value Added Tax (VAT)

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What is the period of service delivery if the payment is received within days of the date of the health system?

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F10 is the short key for ……………….. Voucher

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The following items should be included in the supply value:

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When a provider opts for the component levy within Article 10 of its CGST Act, 2017, when is the date of delivery of goods?

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The term time of provision refers

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Which one of the below will not be added to supply value?

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When a provider is obligated to pay tax under the advance charge and the bill does not become given within the specified timeframe under section 31(2), when is the delivery time of services?

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Which one of the below taxes is included in the GST?

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When may the value of the transaction get discounted from the supplying value calculation?

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What is the estimated delivery time for service imports?

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The term total revenue would not include the following items:

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The home screen of tally is also known as

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What reductions from the transaction cost are permitted?

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The following is the value of service under Article 15(1):

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Sales return are recorded in ………………. Voucher

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A supplier that consists of two or even more services would be classified as the provision that describes the variables that are subject to a higher rate of taxation.

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When resources are acquired from an affiliated firm situated beyond India, what would be the timing of service delivery?

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Which of the below are GST’s advantages?

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GST stands for Goods and Services Tax, and it is a tax system that covers a wide range of

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The short key for company creation is ………………

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In the event of an advance charge, how long does it take for products to be delivered?

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What is the timing of voucher provision when the supply may be traced back to the voucher?

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The highest CGST rate legally permitted for intrastate supplies is…..

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When the administration of certificates concerning the coupon is not recognizable, what is the supply period?

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What below would be included in the description of “Goods” under article 2(52) of the CGST Act, 2017?

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Erp stands for

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GST is imposed on the production of all services and goods, except…..

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The products & services networking (GSTN) performs the following activities…

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Which one of the following items is included in the transaction cost?

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IGST is billed as soon as the stock is ……..