Certificate In Oil Milling & Processing /30 0 Your Examination is Complete ! Certificate In Oil Milling & ProcessingOnline Examination Detail: Duration- 60 minutes. Number of Questions- 30. (Multiple Choice Questions). Maximum Marks- 100, Passing Marks- 40%. There is no negative marking. Candidate Details 1 / 301. After toasting and before Refining,Oil is___________. A. Used B. Made into pallets by hammer mill and stored C. Washed D. All of the above 2 / 302. Which of the following is a factor that affects the storage stability of food? A. Type of raw material used B. Quality of raw material used C. Method/effectiveness of packaging D. All of the mentioned 3 / 303. How do you remove hexane from oil? A. Vacuum distillation B. CO2 Extraction C. Maceration D. Enfleurage 4 / 304. Oil Refining is a step __________. A. After Oil Extraction B. Before Oil Extraction C. Between Oil cooking and flaking in Pre- Press Solvent Extraction D. None of the mentioned 5 / 305. Which of the following is untrue about Solvent extraction of Oil? A. The most common solvent used is Hexane B. This process is difficult/complex for small scale operators C. This suitable for materials containing low percentage of oil D. None of the mentioned 6 / 306. Oil is extracted by____________. A. Mechanical Extraction B. Pre- Press Solvent Extraction C. Mechanical Extraction & Pre-Press Solvent Extraction D. None of these 7 / 307. The process of removal of oil from oil cakes is known as A. Leaching B. Decoction C. Osmosis D. Sorbet effect 8 / 308. In Oil refining,oil is_____________. A. De-odorized B. Bleached C. De-odorized & Bleached D. None of these 9 / 309. The closed vessel used for hydrogenation of oil is known as: A. Hydrogenator B. Generator C. Converter D. Solidifier 10 / 3010. The oil with highest degree of unsaturation: A. Palm kernel oil B. Peanut C. Rapeseed D. Safflower 11 / 3011. An oil press is Calles________. A. Expresser B. Boiler C. Expeller D. None of these 12 / 3012. The measure of free fatty acids content of oil: A. Acid value B. Iodine value C. Hennes value D. Peroxidase value 13 / 3013. The working of Fluid energy mill is based on principle of A. Impact B. Attrition C. Cutting D. Both a & b 14 / 3014. In the Seed Cooking step of Pre-press Solvent Extraction of oil ___________. A. Reducing oil viscosity promotes oil collection B. Temperature is increased to inactive/denature the enzymes C. Sometimes, very high temperature affects meal protein D. All of the mentioned 15 / 3015. What solvents are used to extract essential oils? A. Petroleum ether B. Ammonia C. Water D. Distilled water 16 / 3016. __________ reduces the tendency of the oil to become rancid: A. Mayonnaise B. Bleaching C. Shortening agent D. Vinegar 17 / 3017. In dry milling process, the following operations are done prior to oil treatment is- A. Conditioning B. Pitting C. Polishing D. Grading 18 / 3018. For raw materials with an oil content of less than 20%, the best exploitation method is: A. Pressing with drying B. Cold pressing C. Extraction D. Concentrates 19 / 3019. The degree of oxidation of fat or oil can be expressed in terms of: A. Acid value B. Iodine value C. Saponification value D. Peroxidase value 20 / 3020. How to increase the extraction efficiency? A. Crush the material B. Dissolve in water C. Dissolve in distilled water D. Dry the material 21 / 3021. Why hexane is used for extraction? A. Easy oil recovery B. Higher boiling point C. Easy separation D. Catalyst 22 / 3022. Which of the following does NOT refer to sparging of oil? A. Oil is kept in vacuum and heated to smoke point. Water is introduced through the bottom B. Water gets converted to steam C. The steam bubbles through the oil and separates water-insoluble impurities D. None of the mentioned 23 / 3023. What is the other name for expression method? A. CO2 Extraction B. Maceration C. Enfleurage D. Cold Press Extraction 24 / 3024. Butter made from hydrogenated oils is flakier than naturally saturated oils. A. True B. False 25 / 3025. Stripping Solvent off a meal is called ___________. A. Toasting B. Buttering C. Jamming D. Milling 26 / 3026. In dry milling the percentage of pulse dehisced in one pass or single operation is- A. 40% B. 50% C. 60% D. 70% 27 / 3027. What is maceration extraction? A. Immersing a plant in a liquid B. Separate compounds based on their relative solubility C. Separate components at lower temperature D. Separated through evaporation 28 / 3028. What is the principle of solvent extraction? A. Nernst’s distribution law B. Henry’s law C. Raoul’s law D. Dalton’s law 29 / 3029. The percent of edible oil in rice bran is about A. 10?11 B. 14?16 C. 18-20 D. 11?14 30 / 3030. Margarine contain___________ dispersion: A. Oil in water B. Water in oil C. Solids in oil D. Solids in water Exit