Certificate In Multigrain Flour Processing Technology


Certificate In Multigrain Flour Processing Technology

Online Examination Detail:
Duration- 60 minutes.
Number of Questions- 30. (Multiple Choice Questions).
Maximum Marks- 100, Passing Marks- 40%.
There is no negative marking.

Candidate Details

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1. Which of the following act as load bearing part of milling machine?

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2. Flour protein quality can be tested using:

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3. The knee is capable of being moved up and down over the guideways formed at the _____ of the column.

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4. Which of the following is NOT a method of Wheat Cleaning?

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5. Which of the following is NOT a step in the process involved in dry milling of maize?

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6. Which parameter in wheat quality assessment is a measure of quantity of flour obtained from 100 kg of refined wheat?

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7. The purest and the highest quality flour obtained from wheat is called as:

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8. Which of the following is NOT an operation involved in wheat milling process?

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9. Which of following part of these machines is swivel base?

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10. Hull, germ and fibre are separated by stepping in the processes involving Milling of Maize.

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11. Which of the following test is used to determine the gluten strength of the dough in flour quality evaluation?

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12. Mina bought some rice from a local dealer, but the rice had gone rancid. Her friend Tina said that it is because it is unpolished. Is she right?

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13. The knee is ______ adjustable on the column in horizontal column and knee type milling machine.

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14. Statement 1: Blocking and pearling of barley are both abrasive processes.

Statement 2: After blocking and pearling, they’re cut into portions called grits.

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15. Statement 1: During de-hulling of rice, shearing action is used.

Statement 2: During milling of rice, the rice kernel is subjected to rubbing action.

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16. Which of the following is NOT a step in Modern Milling of Wheat?

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17. Which of the following statements is untrue?

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18. Which of the following part of machine is a cross slide?

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19. White Flour is made from all the three parts i.e. Bran, Germ and Endosperm of a Wheat Kernel.

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20. A whole rice kernel is called Brown Rice.

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21. Statement 1: Dry Milling of Sorghum → product rich in starch.

Statement 2: Wet Milling of Sorghum → product poor in fibre.

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22. Which of the following is NOT a part of a Wheat kernel?

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23. Which parameter in wheat quality assessment is obtained by measuring the weight of grains that fits a cylinder of predetermined volume?

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24. Which of the following test is used for evaluating the dough performance during fermentation in flour quality evaluation?

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25. Which stage in milling involves the separation of endosperm from germ and bran?

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26. What is the maximum level of atta fortification with calcium allowed in India?

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27. Which of the following is untrue?

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28. The column and knee type milling machines are classified according to_______

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29. SEM- Solvent Extraction Milling of brown rice is healthier than that obtained by conventional methods as it has a moderate protein content and less fat content.

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30. Which of the following methods pertaining to wheat milling refers to reduction of moisture content in the wheat?