Certificate In Multigrain Flour Processing Technology /30 0 Your Examination is Complete ! Certificate In Multigrain Flour Processing TechnologyOnline Examination Detail: Duration- 60 minutes. Number of Questions- 30. (Multiple Choice Questions). Maximum Marks- 100, Passing Marks- 40%. There is no negative marking. Candidate Details NameEmailPhone Number 1 / 301. Which of the following act as load bearing part of milling machine? A. Base B. Column C. Knee D. Table 2 / 302. Flour protein quality can be tested using: A. Pleasence test B. Sedimentation test C. Gluten content D. Both (a) and (b) 3 / 303. The knee is capable of being moved up and down over the guideways formed at the _____ of the column. A. Front B. Back C. Can’t say anything D. None of the mentioned 4 / 304. Which of the following is NOT a method of Wheat Cleaning? A. Wheat Scouring B. Wheat Screening C. Wheat Scouring & Screening D. None of the mentioned 5 / 305. Which of the following is NOT a step in the process involved in dry milling of maize? A. Determination B. Sifting C. Removal of moisture D. Diluting 6 / 306. Which parameter in wheat quality assessment is a measure of quantity of flour obtained from 100 kg of refined wheat? A. Refinement degree B. Specific volume C. Protein content D. Milling yield 7 / 307. The purest and the highest quality flour obtained from wheat is called as: A. Patent flour B. Cake flour C. Straight grade flour D. Clear flour 8 / 308. Which of the following is NOT an operation involved in wheat milling process? A. Extrusion B. Cleaning C. Conditioning D. Milling 9 / 309. Which of following part of these machines is swivel base? A. Top B. Bottom C. Middle D. None of the mentioned 10 / 3010. Hull, germ and fibre are separated by stepping in the processes involving Milling of Maize. A. True B. False 11 / 3011. Which of the following test is used to determine the gluten strength of the dough in flour quality evaluation? A. Viscoamylograph B. Extensograph C. Amylograph D. Alveograph 12 / 3012. Mina bought some rice from a local dealer, but the rice had gone rancid. Her friend Tina said that it is because it is unpolished. Is she right? A. True B. False 13 / 3013. The knee is ______ adjustable on the column in horizontal column and knee type milling machine. A. Horizontally B. Vertically C. Can’t say anything D. None of the mentioned 14 / 3014. Statement 1: Blocking and pearling of barley are both abrasive processes.Statement 2: After blocking and pearling, they’re cut into portions called grits. A. True, False B. True, True C. False, False D. False, True 15 / 3015. Statement 1: During de-hulling of rice, shearing action is used.Statement 2: During milling of rice, the rice kernel is subjected to rubbing action. A. True, False B. True, True C. False, False D. False, True 16 / 3016. Which of the following is NOT a step in Modern Milling of Wheat? A. Stone Grinding B. Wheat Conditioning C. Wheat milling D. Cleaning 17 / 3017. Which of the following statements is untrue? A. Rice can be milled by a solvent method in which the solvent softens the bran layer of the rice B. Advantage of the solvent process is that it has lesser fat content C. Lesser fat content increases the shelf life of the rice D. None of the mentioned 18 / 3018. Which of the following part of machine is a cross slide? A. Top B. Middle C. Bottom D. None of mentioned 19 / 3019. White Flour is made from all the three parts i.e. Bran, Germ and Endosperm of a Wheat Kernel. A. True B. False 20 / 3020. A whole rice kernel is called Brown Rice. A. True B. False 21 / 3021. Statement 1: Dry Milling of Sorghum → product rich in starch.Statement 2: Wet Milling of Sorghum → product poor in fibre. A. True, False B. True, True C. False, False D. False, True 22 / 3022. Which of the following is NOT a part of a Wheat kernel? A. Bran B. Endosperm C. Germ D. None of the mentioned 23 / 3023. Which parameter in wheat quality assessment is obtained by measuring the weight of grains that fits a cylinder of predetermined volume? A. Thousand kernel weight B. Test weight C. Grain hardness D. Ash content 24 / 3024. Which of the following test is used for evaluating the dough performance during fermentation in flour quality evaluation? A. Viscoamylograph B. Farinograph C. Rheo ferment meterq D. Myograph 25 / 3025. Which stage in milling involves the separation of endosperm from germ and bran? A. Sieving and purification system B. Reduction system C. Brake system D. Tempering 26 / 3026. What is the maximum level of atta fortification with calcium allowed in India? A. 1200mg B. 1500mg C. 1500u D. 1200u 27 / 3027. Which of the following is untrue? A. Bran, Germ and remaining Endosperm is used as animal feed B. Flour milling is done in roller mills C. Milling is done by sifting and 2-3 grinding stages D. None of the mentioned 28 / 3028. The column and knee type milling machines are classified according to_______ A. Various methods of supplying power to table B. Different movements of table C. Different axis of rotation of spindle D. All of the mentioned 29 / 3029. SEM- Solvent Extraction Milling of brown rice is healthier than that obtained by conventional methods as it has a moderate protein content and less fat content. A. True B. False 30 / 3030. Which of the following methods pertaining to wheat milling refers to reduction of moisture content in the wheat? A. Cleaning B. Flour formation C. Separation of endosperms D. Wheat Conditioning Exit