Assist patient in maintaining normal elimination


Assist patient in maintaining normal elimination

1 / 10

Bright-red blood in stool is an indicator of __________ bleeding, such as from _________ or polyps

2 / 10

What is the term used to descibe the technique of "bearing down" when passing a bowel movement?

3 / 10

Which of the following is not a muscle used to create pressure in aiding in defecation?

4 / 10

What refers to the emptying of te large intestine?

5 / 10

The primary organ of bowel elimination is...

6 / 10

Patients with ________ ________ _______ diseases or local lesions that cause pain, are at high risk for constipation

7 / 10

Which psychological condition makes patients at high risk for constipation?

8 / 10

Patients with reduced _____ or ______ in their diets are at high risk for constipations.

9 / 10

To promote regular defecation, ______ to ______ mL intake and a _____ ______ diet intake is recommended.

10 / 10

___ ____ ___ tests are used to detect gastrointestinal bleeding

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