Diploma In Food Processing


Diploma In Food Processing

Online Examination Detail:
Duration- 120 minutes.
Number of Questions- 60. (Multiple Choice Questions).
10 Questions from each module, each carry 10 marks.
Maximum Marks- 600, Passing Marks- 40%.
There is no negative marking.

Candidate Details

1 / 60

1. butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA)is :

2 / 60

2. Who showed that saccharomyces cerevisiae causes fermentation forming products such as beer and buttermilk?

3 / 60

3. yellow color of egg yolk is due to;

4 / 60

4. Which of the following plant hormone is considered as ripen?

5 / 60

5. Which bean is used for extraction of gum?

6 / 60

6. Fruits and vegetables are collectively known as

7 / 60

7. Which of the following is non-climacteric type of fruit?

8 / 60

8. Which of the following heat is used in broiling?

9 / 60

9. Mold inhibitor used in bread is

10 / 60

10. for low sugar content,potato tubers are storded at:

11 / 60

11. Large lactose crystals in ice cream couse which one of the following defects in the products?

12 / 60

12. Which of the following enzyme is used in meat tenderization?

13 / 60

13. The enzyme that curdles the casein in milk

14 / 60

14. A commom adulterant in black powder is

15 / 60

15. What is the threshold level of ethylene in fruit and vegetable?

16 / 60

16. Which type of food is /are covered under FSS act,2006?

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17. Which is the staple vegetable in indian diet?

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18. An enzyme which can stimulate the germination of barley seeds is

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19. Which one is present in highest amount is finger millet (ragi)?

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20. Which one of the following enxymes is the major processing aid in cheese processing

21 / 60

21. Which of the following is fermentation process?

22 / 60

22. As fruits meture ,the specific gravity will:

23 / 60

23. Which of the following processing methods invi=olves heating foods at high temperatures for short periods of time in order to reduce the risk of food poisoning?

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24. Which one of the following fruit juices is a rich source of calcium?

25 / 60

25. class IV milk includes milk used to..

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26. Which of the following helps to retain color of meat?

27 / 60

27. Formation of abscission layer is maturity index of:

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28. In batch fermentation:

29 / 60

29. Tocopherol is an example of:

30 / 60

30. Which of the following is a rapid precooling method?

31 / 60

31. How much should be the minimum percentage of acetic acid in commercially available vinegar?

32 / 60

32. _____is subject to physical,chermical and biolofical deterioration

33 / 60

33. Butter is and emulsion of____________

34 / 60

34. Which is the precursor of ethylene?

35 / 60

35. Beer is manufactured from barley and also the following ingredient is used

36 / 60

36. The fat content in double toned milk is

37 / 60

37. Which of the following analytical methods can be used to distinguish flavour compounds?

38 / 60

38. Which is the method of transfer of heat by contact?

39 / 60

39. A food must contain less than ___grams of fat per serving to be considered a low fat food:

40 / 60

40. Lye peeling is done at a temperature of:

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41. Which of the following does not have antimicrobial activity?

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42. maximum density of water is at a temperature of

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43. Antibiotics tend to be :

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44. vegetables are subjected to drying after:

45 / 60

45. Yellow colored vegetables are rich source of :

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46. Which of the following is a class IIproduct ?

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47. After drying moisture content in vegetables be :

48 / 60

48. Lyophilization is synonymous with:

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49. For longer storage of cucumber fruits,the temperature should be:

50 / 60

50. Chemical preservative is difined as a chemical compound that:

51 / 60

51. The yellow colour in cow milk is due to the presece of ,

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52. Which of the following is a non-thermal food processing technology?

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53. Which chemical is used for controlling sprouting of onions in storage?

54 / 60

54. Tomtato fruits for canning are harvested at:

55 / 60

55. Which of the following is associated 'browning 'disorder?

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56. Bacteria which is used to absorb ethylene from storage chamber is:

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57. AT which Ph fruits and vegetables are divided in to acidic and non-acific for thermal processing:

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58. Frozen storage is generally operated at temperature of.:

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59. vegetable which is not blached before drying:

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60. vitamin which is not found in fruits and vegetables: